AquaMijas safety regulations

There are a number of safety and information rules that will help you enjoy your day in the Park. Please help us by fulfilling them:

  • Pay attention to the instructions of lifeguards and employees, as well as all the signs for the use of attractions.
  • People who do not follow the rules may be expelled from the park.
  • It is absolutely PROHIBITED to enter GLASS, KIVES AND SHARP objects.
  • The Park is not responsible for the loss, theft or damage of objects. The “Lost Objects” service is located in the Information Office.
  • Do not wear glasses, jewelry, buckles or shoes when using attractions and pools.
  • It is mandatory to use BATH CLOTHES in attractions and swimming pools.
  • People with external casts or prosthesis are prohibited from using attractions and swimming pools.
  • Pregnant women have absolutely FORBIDDEN to use the attractions.
  • There is a free locker room service and an optional wardrobe service where we have a limited number of baskets, safes and floats for rent.
  • We have an information service where, if you consider it appropriate, you can use the complaint forms.
  • We have at your disposal a limited number of hammocks for rent. It is not allowed to be used in grassy areas. It is not allowed to be used in grassy areas.
  • Please use the showers before accessing swimming pools and attractions.
  • Do not run inside the park, please.
  • Children under 12 must always be accompanied by an adult.
  • The attractions and pools will close fifteen minutes before the park closes.
  • Once inside the facilities, the entrance fee will NOT be refunded.

Always for security reasons, the Management reserves the right to modify any of the established norms.

Thank you for choosing us to spend the day with us!