COVID-19 safety measures

We apply the strictest security measures against coronavirus to make AquaMijas a 100% safe water park. To do this, we have adopted the following prevention measures:

  • Minimum safety distance of 1.5 meters in the different facilities of the park. Supervision by staff to avoid possible crowds. Supervision by staff to avoid possible crowds.
  • The use of masks is compulsory in enclosed spaces. It is not necessary at rides. It is also not compulsory in open areas unless the mandatory minimum distance of 1.5 metres cannot be guaranteed.
  • Hydrogel at all access points and available to customers in various locations of the facilities.
  • Control of access to the bathrooms to limit capacity.
  • Cleaning protocol: 2 cleanings a day and disinfection of furniture (hammocks, tables, chairs, parasols, etc.).
  • Treatment of swimming pool water following the recommendations established by the Junta de Andalucía in its Decree 485/2019 of June 4, which approves the Technical Sanitary Regulation of swimming pools in Andalusia.
  • Personnel equipped with the necessary material to carry out their activity safely (masks, gloves and screens in the areas where it is convenient).
  • Limited capacity according to latest updates.
  • Training of personnel in COVID-19 security and rapid tests for their incorporation to work.

Decalogue of behavioral standards against coronavirus

Help us to continue being a safe park by respecting the following safety regulations in relation to COVID-19:

  1. Always keep a safe distance and avoid crowds, even in the swimming pools. The use of a mask is NOT compulsory outdoors, as long as the safety distance of 1.5 metres can be maintained. Its use is compulsory in all enclosed areas (changing rooms, cloakroom, self-service, etc.).
  2. Always respect the signs and instructions of the staff.
  3. Buy tickets in advance at Check our rules through our website or by scanning the QR codes that you will find in the park. Always try to pay by credit or debit card or electronic means.
  4. Bring two towels: one to dry and one to cover surfaces where you are going to sit. Use specific footwear inside the facilities.
  5. Park the vehicle leaving a space free of separation. If this is not possible, avoid getting in or out of the car at the same time as other adjoining vehicles.
  6. Avoid touching railings, counters, doors, knobs, handles… Frequently use hydroalcoholic gel.
  7. Only one person should carry out the transactions (purchase of tickets, rentals, bars, etc.).
  8. In closed spaces, respect capacity and stay indoors as little as possible. We recommend not showering in the changing rooms.
  9. Waste management: dispose of your mask and gloves in a separate bag.
  10. People at risk will come under your responsibility. In case of presenting symptoms compatible with COVID-19, refrain from coming or leave the facilities.